Brent Nyznyk joined Precision Paralegal in 2014 and, with the executive’s support, quickly began transforming through technology the way that the firm delivered legal services.
Precision Paralegal Services has grown over the years to become one of Canada’s largest paralegal firms representing its clients across Canada in Small Claims Court.
Brent’s experience as the CTO for Fidelity National Financial Canada, one of Canada’s largest title insurance and mortgage processing companies, provided him with the experience and knowledge to develop and implement the systems and processes to manage large volumes of matters while maintaining a high degree of client satisfaction.
During his time with Anderson Sinclair LLP, a national legal recovery firm, he led the legal team that legally recovered over 100M for many of Canada’s largest financial institutions and telecommunication companies. This experience provided him with the knowledge of Canada’s legal processes and the methods to successfully enforce judgments nationally.
Brent is located in Calgary, AB, and is growing the firm West of Ontario and managing the Calgary, Edmonton, and Vancouver offices.
Brents’s other responsibilities include corporate business development, intake and consultation management, online marketing and social media, recruitment, and managing the national IT infrastructure and processes.